Thursday, March 12, 2015

Prayer requests

One of these should work.

The Teach Thailand is heading into its third teaching day. We’ve been challenged by a heavy teaching schedule, the many expectations on us to teach well, make learning interesting and fun, begin and end on time and to meet with students outside class.  In addition to all this David, our energizer bunny, has volunteered to TA in. Pre-1 class.

We are managing the stairs pretty well. Elaine’s students are “adopting” her well. She was the first with a ride home tonight, but all 7-9 pm teachers had a ride home tonight. So kind and such patient drivers! Rooms have a bit too much reverb, but students are working hard at being brave, i.e., speaking loudly. Pray for good hearing by us and by them.

Because of our schedules we don't see each other a whole lot. We are all scheduled to join with the Peace Church group for  worship Friday night and “family Day” all day Saturday plus cell group Sunday morning.

We have been inviting our students to an English language church service this coming Sunday. This is outreach oriented. A former Santisuk student with an exciting testimony will share his story. The primary speaker is a fellow teacher from the UK. He has such a great sense of humor. Pray that our students accept our invitation to come.

-rapport, hearing, communication with Thai
-health and safety  and rest (Praise God we all now have good sense of direction)
-our bonding with Peace Church members
-students to invite us to see Bangkok with them, do things with them
-the Sunday night English language outreach ( 5:30 am Minnesota time); for speakers S… And N….
-Alice, our co-teacher from California, who is losing her voice.

With our love,
Tom & Claire, Rick &  Sherry, David, Elaine

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